This Tuesday marked one full year since Twitter accepted Elon Musk’s $44 billion offer to buy the social network. The 12 months that followed were marked by many memorable events—but one pattern, among all, stands out: the sheer regularity with which Musk says one thing and proceeds to do the complete opposite. This became most clear in recent days as the debacle over blue check verification came to a head and the company reversed course on labeling media organizations that receive public funding. Read More...
August 2, 2017 3:18 PM EDT
A Dallas couple will have to pay their wedding photographer $1 million after slamming her services online over an $125 fee.
According to the AP, photographer Andrea Polito won her lawsuit against Andrew and Neely Moldovan, whose wedding photos she shot in 2014; following the wedding, the Moldovans asked for their high-resolution photos be sent to them, but the contract specified that they first submit an order form for their wedding album, which would include a cover photo that could cost $125. Read More...
According to police spokesperson Abimbola Oyeyemi, the suspect Julius Ochim began having sexual intercourse with the victim shortly after his wife's passing in the year 2009. The police rep confirmed that Ochim who is 45 years old, started having issues with his daughter as soon as she revealed interest to marry a love interest. “He confessed to have been sleeping with the girl since the demise of his wife, adding that he had problem with the girl when she started going out with another man, whom she said she wanted to get married to," Read More...